Newsletter Volume 08

HiMedia Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. | 1 Once again a warm welcome to one and all to our Newsletter, “Lab to Tab™”, December-2018, issue. First of all, I expressmy deep gratitude for the splendid response to our last “Lab to Tab™” issue. Your response motivated me and my team to launch the next issue in a short time. We are always keen to take our products and services to the next level, and so with the newsletter too. We are introducing a New Segment in the newsletter which will serve as rich diet for your curious minds and brains. The segment is “The Science Galaxy” wherein, we will be publishing the articles, carved and crafted by Top Leaders/Scientists/Technocrats/ business tycoons exclusively for HiMedia “Lab to Tab™” newsletter. Selective Media in Microbiology : Right choice of media for isolation and growth of the desired microbes in pure form, is a very crucial step in any microbiological studies. High cost and stringent process controls for manufacturing of culture media, makes it challenging for their consistent availability. Nevertheless to provide highly reproducible and consistent results, we are manufacturing and supplying an extensive range selective media. You would love to read more about this topic today. Hydroponics-Soilless Farming : Hydroponics means growing plants in mineral nutrients dissolved in water. It can solve many problems of our conventional agricultural sector, as it is water-saving-eco-friendly technology giving us healthiest food and life style. HiMedia’s higronics® division is a One Point Solution for all hydroponics applications. An introductory article on this is a special treat for you. Explore Hassle-Free Extraction with HiMedia : Proper extraction of DNA/RNA from any biological specimens plays a vital role in molecular biology. Conventional protocols, and manual extraction have certain limitations. Our automated extraction system is a solution that simplifies it with reproducible yields. It aims at replacing bench top processes with robotic system. You can read more about this issue. Marketing and Sales- The strength of HiMedia Labs : Understanding the client’s need, market demand and providing cost effective solutions/services is one of the important marketing strategies of HiMedia. Hence, we have been innovating cost effective, customized and bulk quantity products as per the customer’s requirements. We disclosed in this issue how we bring our products at your door step. Enjoy reading and do write to us at or with your recommendations and requirements so that we could design and put into action newer plans that’ll serve you better. We are proud to announce that our very first article under this segment is “Five Grand Challenges of IndianScience” by the most Eminent Scientist Dr. Raghunath Anant Mashelkar . Having his thoughts in our newsletter is like having shiny and glittering feather in our cap. We thank Dr. Mashelkar for writing this article for our Newsletter, inspite of his busy schedules. It was truly an honor interacting with such a motivating Scientist. Apart from this few more interesting articles are in our platter. Message from CEO HiMediaLaboratories TM Newsletter Volume - 8 | December 2018 Message from CEO The Science Galaxy Simplicity in Extraction... The Big World... National Events HiMedia “Makes Life.. ICAR-Central Institute... Cultivating a Culture... “Best Company of... 1 4 10 16 20 2 8 13 19